Totally Insufficient Dowry

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan

Stolen from Anooja( )'s ORKUT.. she must have schemed in advance that the song would get stuck in my head and I'd sing it at all the wrong times ( prayer time, counselling time, lunch time etc ) and get weird glares from the public.
Well, Now it's your turn. I hope this song gets stuck in your head too the way it got stuck in mine.. I hope you too end up humming, if not singing it, at really in appropriate moments.. please, I need the company!!!!
And a one and a two and a - " On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me..."

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  1. that shit is fun-ny..!!!!
    lol..the first time i saw that..i couldnt get over the butter

  2. i know.. i loved the butter chicken and the swami in the lotus!!!

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