Ten Shades of Life : The Book Launch

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
Thanks in no small measure to the efforts of Fablery and the hard work and effort put in by editor Nethra Anjanappa, Fablery's first anthology of short stories, Ten Shades of Life, featuring contest winners across ten different genres was officially launched on the 4th of May in Bangalore.

The venue was the newly renovated Atta Galatta bookstore in Koramangala (a stone's throw away from Empire Hotel, a really good stone's throw away from Forum Mall!) which provided a very cozy and personal atmosphere for the launch.

(Left to Right: Shankar(co-author), Nethra(editor), Preeti Shenoy(author, The Secret Wishlist), 
Vinaya(co-author), Karthik(co-author), me(mua) and Supraja Pulla(Fablery)

India's best-selling author, Preeti Shenoy, was kind enough to grace the occasion with her presence and officially launched the book. (On a personal note: Years back, in 2008, I had been there at the book launch of her first book, '34 Bubblegums and Candies', in Pune. It was the first book launch I had ever been to and it felt great to see her and her lovely family again after so many years and have her be a part of this event.)

Vinaya talks about the thought process that went into 
creating her contest winning 'Philosophical' story.

They gave me the book and told me to read parts of this story called 'Harry's Bluff'. 
By some dumb-a$$ author named *checks index* Oh. Wait. Umm... never mind.

Following the ceremonial cake-cutting ( Yes, you know there will be food involved when I am around), there was an interactive session wherein the authors read snippets from their individual stories, discussed their motivations behind their particular genre and answered questions from the audience.

Next came the part I always find embarrassing (No. Not running around in a pink and green polka-dotted bow-tie, electric blue socks and yellow shorts... I could actually get used to that.) - signing autographs for 'fans' and friends.

Mr Shankar doesn't know it, but I'm racing with him to finish signing. He still won !!

All in all, it was a great experience which everyone - both the authors and the audience - enjoyed, I'm happy to say. For more photos of the book launch, Click here.

Early reviews of Ten Shades of Life have been unanimously positive, I'm glad to say ( Reviewed by popular bloggers including:

I'm happy for the thumbs up given to both the authors and the dedicated team of Fablery.
Ten Shades of Life is now available in bookstores and can also be delivered to your doorstep via FLIPKART.
For a preview of the individual stories, do check out this link.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. Now that is one sweet and funny personalized summary of the event :)

  2. :-) really nice... Signing books eh?? aren't u supposed to send a singed copy of those books to ur followers for inspiring you to become the grt writer that u r ??? :P

    1. Talk about embarrassing a guy :) gimme an address to send it to and I will gladly send :D

  3. AnonymousMay 08, 2013

    Congratulations! Very happy for you and I have ordered my copy from Flipkart. :D

  4. Congratulations.. I are proud of my buddy!


  5. Ahem! That little boy who has maximum comments on your blog is waiting for his copy!
    And shezwan is out of question!
    Congrats again doc! :)

    1. No schezwan !?! But Yenepoya canteen and me have a contract.. I give them bulk orders for all my book releases .. that too same schezwan fried rice !

  6. Congrats Roshan! My best wishes to you, hope it will do well in the Market:)

  7. congrats bro....:)....wil definitely get this one .......

    1. Thanks a lot.. please do tell me what you thought of the book and the story too :D

  8. Congratulations and celebrations! Hope to read the book when I get back.

  9. All the best for the new book :) ROshan. Bumped by your blog from some another blog :) I won a copy and will read ASAP !:)
    good day

    1. Thanks Afshan.. if you decide to review it, do send me a link. I'll add it here as well.

  10. Hey Roshan :)

    Congratulations... and yes it was a pleasure reading your story !!

  11. Loved the way you described the event... Wish you many more such events !

    All the best and Congratulations!

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