Harman Singh - The Hero Who Chose Humanity over Religious Beliefs #AtoZChallenge

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
When 22 year old Harman Singh reached the site of the road accident in Auckland, he found a five year old young boy with a severe head injury bleeding on the road. Though his religious beliefs demanded he (and all devout Sikhs) cover his head at all times in public, Harman didn't think twice, removing his own and using it to help stop the bleeding till help arrived.

The viral image of Harman Singh using his turban to help a child bleeding on the road

His choice of humanity over religious beliefs helped save Daejon's life.

"I just really want to thank him because I know it's against his religion to take that kind of stuff off so I just really want to thank him because if it wasn't for him my son wouldn't be here."
 - Shiralee Pahia, Daejon's mother

Karma was swift for Harman Singh - who was still mourning the recent death of his father - as a New Zealand television crew interviewing him in his apartment noted the lack of utilities and furniture in his apartment. Taking it upon themselves, they coordinated with a local furniture store and showed up once more at Harman's house, this time with a new bed, coffee table, sofa and chair. Domino's too stepped in, offering six months of vegetarian pizzas on the house for Harman.

Harman Singh also went on to receive the district commander's 
Certificate of Appreciation at the Manukau police district awards.

You can see it for yourselves here.

Why I want you to remember Harman Singh

The need to choose religion and its rigid ideals over all else is on the rise these days, across all faiths. In the midst of that, Harman Singh is a wonderful example of religious beliefs not overshadowing humanity; of remembering that the goal of all religions is to be a good human being - to oneself as well as to all around us.

Harman Singh chose humanity over religion, removing his turban and using it to stop the bleeding after finding a small child bleeding on the road after an accident

This is part of my #AtoZChallenge where I will be focusing on Real Life Heroes: Shining Examples of Kindness and Compassion. You can find other real-life heroes here.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. Good on him. A life is more important, and people like Harman, unknown heroes, are the ones who show it to us by walking the talk! :-)

  2. I remember reading about him in on social media - great humanity is still alive and people like Harman Singh lead the way.
    Twinkling Tina Cooks

    1. yes. His was one of the more recent ones and did get some coverage here in India too.

  3. These are the stories we need, which shows that humanity is more important than any religion. Beautiful share once again.

  4. I remember reading this story somewhere. I was so much in awe of him for doing such a thing. For some people, humanity comes first and he just proved that.

    Hostel Life

  5. A true hero, just for stopping and for acting without thinking. It makes each of us question what we would have done. And to be rewarded so quickly. My religion also requires men keep their heads covered, although in a different way.

  6. This is so true - no religion preaches rigid rule following over humanity. All religions put good deeds, without thinking about the caste, religion or color of the other person, first and foremost over everything else. A tenet that is sadly lost in this macho show of power that passes off under the guise of "protecting religious sentiment and culture".

    1. What passes off now as "defenders of a religious belief" would be comical if it weren't so heinous.
      That is why we need to share more stories of the good guys like Harman.

  7. More people should understand that if you must follow religion, then understand that all religions basically teach humanity. If your religion is so rigid that you can't break some rules for your fellow human, then you're probably following it wrong.

    1. Exactly the point I wanted to make with this post. Exactly what Harman proved as well.

  8. I remember reading about Harman breaking the religious protocol to help a child in need. Practicing humanity is what's important! Truly commendable!!

  9. Humanity is far more important that human rules and regulations. Kudos to Harman, may his tribe increase!
    I love how swift the karmic payback was. Heartening!

    1. Made me happy too to see the way karma came back to him. :)

  10. I remember reading about this incident... So u are able to find one good soul for every letter of the alphabet! Boy! I trust humanity :)

    1. I have so many for some alphabet while some others have been tougher. And in some cases, I have been choosing ones that I liked better than others and working around the alphabet :)

  11. I feel humanity is more important than religion. Harman proved it with his actions. It is heartwarming to note that karma paid him back for his noble deed in time. Very well deserved.

    1. There is no other way. Humanity must get precedence always.

  12. Hats off to Harman Singh. Humanity should be our religion and he proved that that day. What a heartwarming story.

    Suzy at Someday Somewhere - Help Comes ...

  13. I'm not a fan of religion and I guess I've been sick of hearing negative things about all religions. So it's nice to see someone bypass some rigid beliefs and just be human. We are all human beings first and follow the religions next.

    Harrisham Rhyme - Over

  14. We often see people being partial for their religion’s people and get biased to others. Some of them judge others on their caste. We must have seen these kinds of things in our daily life. But we forget to realize that before being a Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Sikh, we are humans. We should respect other’s feelings and believes in the same way we do.

    Launching SIM Organics This April

    *Menaka Bharathi *


  15. There you are with the story mentioning an Indian... You know I was waiting for it! Call it whatever you want, but I kind of wanted to hear a story about one kind hearted Indian in your series!


    1. I am sure there are plenty of Indians (though I may struggle to find many with names starting with O, Z and X!) but I've tried to balance a lot of fields here including professions, ages, timelines and types of kindness too. So yes, in that the final trimmed list may have far fewer Indians.

  16. When it comes to humanity no religion stands against it. It's only the decision that we make at times, describes our intent towards humanity. I didn't know about Harman's story before. Thanks for sharing it with your readers, Doc.

  17. Heartwarming! In times where people are fighting over religion and taking lives, Harman Singh chose to do the opposite and that's what makes him truly great. Food for thought.

    Shubhangi @ The Little Princess

  18. I have heard about hm before and it is a matter of pride for us Indians too. He did something which makes us all proud.

    1. He really did. It is something we Indians should look to emulate here in India actually.

  19. I can never forget the help of strangers who always showed up when I most needed them. I truly believe there are enough good people out there in the world

    1. I really want to say the same... but painfully, I can't remember being that lucky :(

  20. Yet another inspiring story. Good he chose humanity over his religious beliefs. A person for many to emulate.
    Celebrating 'Women & their work' all April: Husband’s Role in Women’s Work

  21. I remember reading about this in the papers and smiling. We need more people who humanity first.

  22. When it is humanity versus anything else it has to be humanity first! But very few people follow it.

  23. In times like this when people are being slaughtered in the name of religion, people like Harman Singh remind us what religion actually preaches- to be human.

  24. If only there were more Humans in this world than people; this world would be an awesome place to live.

    Thanks for such a lovely share Roshan

    Theme: Peregrination Chronicles (travel)
    H is for a stinky high at ChangLa pass in Ladhakh #atozchallenge

  25. In a world where all manner of atrocities are being committed in the name of religious beliefs, Harman is a shining example of humanity indeed... thank you for sharing his story doc and I hope this reaches millions to inspire them!

  26. Some beautiful stories you bring up, Roshan. So much of research has gone into it and we can see that. Awesome!
    Thailand Travel Stories at Kohl Eyed Me
    26 Indian Dishes at Something's Cooking

  27. Read it as Human Singh and it seems appropriate.

  28. Till recent times had never a feeling that India would have people thinking about religion or language or anything of the sorts, sudden changes seem to be so scary. Hats off to Harman Singh who truly dealt humanity as it had to be.
    Thanks for joining the Bloggers Pit Stop
    Launching SIM Organics This April

    *Menaka Bharathi *


  29. Harman showed that there is no bigger religion than humanity. Unfortunately, blind and religious beliefs chain us and we wear blinkers on the eyes.

  30. I guess I missed this post during AtoZ and I am glad to read it today to get my dose of motivation I get reading you for the past two years😊

  31. Wow, such a noble act, It really makes us feel so proud whenever a small act of humanity is displayed and helps me regain confidence that goodness still exists.

  32. Every belief comes in your heart first. When people like Harman thinks of humanity before his religious beliefs, kindness comes back to him also in full circle.

  33. Stories like these help me reaffirmy trust that humaity is not going to die. Little deeds of kindness and humaity is keeping this society worth living.

  34. When you help someone in need then that's the true respect one can show towards the teachings h
    S(he) is following. Service to mankind is the true service to the God.

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