Make a 'Good Times List' as the year ends #UnwrapChristmas

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
‘I am celebrating the spirit of Christmas with the #UnwrapChristmas blogpost chain.
I am thankful to Kala Ravi for passing on the baton of spreading Christmas joy and spirit to me.’

One of the unique aspects of the concept of Santa Claus is how he keeps track of whether you've been naughty or nice. The idea behind the tale is obvious - to motivate (trick?) the young ones into being nice little boys and girls if they want to be in Santa's good books. As the year winds down, kids write letters to Santa asking for what they want while also sending a 'good times list', reminding him of the good stuff they've done and why they deserve gifts. That habit ends once we stop believing in Santa and grow up which is sad in many ways. 

For me, it has been a long year. Emotionally, professionally, personally - at all levels, it has been tiring. I have had to try hard to motivate myself to keep going on many an occasion. As it always is, during the bad times, you tend to downplay the good things that happen around you as your eyes focus exclusively on all the things burning around you.

In this scenario, I feel making a "good times list" like we used to for Santa as a child can make a significant difference in our outlook. Instead of the good deeds, we look back on the good moments that brought us joy this year - a reminder to ourselves instead of Santa that good has touched us.

I look back this year and see that there are moments that really brought a smile to my face too, many of which I did not even gloat about on the blog (as I would normally do, considering my elephantine ego). Pain does that. But there is a time when you need to enjoy the gifts that you receive. And Christmas is that time every year. 

For me, the gifts that 2017 gave me included:

  • Trips across the country and unwinding with friends.
  • My Heroes of Kindness and Compassion blog series, which gave me hope that there are still plenty of good humans around, even during these dark times.
  • My first houseboat experience was truly memorable - fun, games, food, drink and merry.
  • I got to speak in front of a huge audience of young minds at Chat Jaipur youth summit and talk of thinking beyond the normal ways of life, one of the guest speakers alongside actress Raveena Tandon, politician Sachin Pilot, magicians, dancers et al.

Christmas may be ending but it is never too late to take stock of your year. So make a list - what were your best memories of this year? Someday when you are feeling low, look back upon this list and remind yourself that there is good too in your life.

Christmas may be ending but it is never too late to take stock of your year. Make this list every year and save it somewhere safe, a present/reminder to yourself during your worst moments that there is good in your life too.

Take a moment and tell me in the comments section your 'Good Times List' of 2017 - what were your best memories of this year? You will find just writing about it brings a smile on your face.

I now invite Anagha Yatin to carry forth the Christmas cheer.

Have a wonderful end to this year and a beautiful 2018.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. This is a good way to end the year, reflecting on the good times list! Christmas does that to you, I mean it does comes around the end of the year so it gets you in a reflective mood. I would say 2017 was really kind to me, but was I a good girl? Hmm, not as good as I would like to have been. Wasted opportunities, neglected work and a bit rash with words. Not exactly what Santa would be happy to see but I promise, 2018 will see a different me. Gosh doc, look at me rambling on! You have done some remarkable stuff, great going with the public address and swinging the Toi WriteIndia yet again. An inspiration you are! Hope the new year eases away the tensions of this year and sees more accolades and happy times for you. Cheers!

  2. Wonderful reading all the wonderful things that you are chuffed about during this year! I agree the idea of looking back and reflecting upon the blessings in our life is itself a wonderful feeling and what better way to wrap up the year and end it on a 'high' than to count one's blessings! In the coming year, I wish you continue the good work that you are doing, and find it even more fulfilling! May your writing reach greater heights and may you cherish every little experience that life brings to you! Happy 2018. I think I will write a post about the wonderful things that happened in my life because I'm afraid I'll run out of space here! :D

  3. Doctor, you have prescribed the best medicine for the bringing the positivity back to life. I sure will remind myself to pen down the "Good Times List" whenever I feel in the wrong lane of the life.
    Thank you for passing the baton of #UnwrapChristmas blog chain to spread the Christmas cheer!

  4. That was a good take, Roshan. I agree about not losing focus on the good things when things aren't going our way. Season's greetings!

  5. It does feel good, doesn't it, when we look back at all the good times that put a smile on our face? For me, there were some sad moments and some happy. I created my new blog on Wordpress without much help. I bonded with a bird, so much so, that she now feels an extension of my being! And, I learnt quite a few lessons along the way, esp during the low moments, that I now feel enriched by those experiences life gave me!
    Wishing you a very happy new year, Roshan! May 2018 bless you with many more moments of peace and joy!

  6. You have had some great moments and may congratulations on your achievements :)

  7. May your 2018 be even more awesome than this, Roshan.

    2017 wasn't a year of highs for me, but hey, I survived! Maybe this is an achievement in itself.

  8. I loved the idea of listing out good times! It also helps us in assessing ourself and improve over the years to come and be a better version of ourself! I knew that kids write letter to santa but what I was not aware of was the good times list you mentioned here. My hearty congrats on all the wonderful times you had and wish you more success and happiness in the year to come :-)

  9. This is a very nice suggestion. We should be happy about all the good times that we have been through in the year ending and show gratitude to mother nature for all the happiness. Loved your post.

  10. May your 2018 be awesome. Looking back provides so many insights that helps you in many way. But most importantly to provide a positive outlook for self.

  11. What a perfect way to end the year. A list of gratitude towards the happy times is something I have been planning to do for a long time. Your post motivated me :)

  12. Wow!! You had some great moments in 2017 and I wish you the very best for the yars to come Doc. Thanks for sharing these.


  13. What an exceprional writer and storyteller you are.I think 2018 will make this be 100times longer.Gratitude is the best attitude

  14. I liked the idea of goods time list. I will surely try to write one soon. We all have our shares of good and bads but its always better to reflect and remember the good times in the year gone by.

  15. Looking back at things we did past year is always interesting. Thanks for the post.

  16. Wow what an amazing way to end 2018, gratitude is the best way to look back and amazing compiled list i am sure 2018 will bring another pool of love , happiness and fun in your life!!!

  17. What a lovely idea.. a good times list .. going to try it out this year :)
    i so know what you mean about the world around you burning! 2017 was a year of tremendous lessons.

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